Foundstone�s SiteScope creates a site map and gathers metrics for a given web-based application. The method SiteScope utilizes to gather data and Create site maps differentiates it from alternative tools that "spider" a web application. The two reasons SiteScope doesn't follow the traditional "spidering" approach are:
It is very difficult for an automated program to know what data to supply for any discovered fields, as well as understand the workflow of an application, without considerable training. Because SiteScope is intended to be a simple tool that can be used to quickly see the structure of an application or for managers to gather basic metrics, SiteScope has been designed to be as simple as possible for first time use on any web application.
Automated programs do not have a concept of user roles. One of the key metrics to gather for any application is the number of user roles available in the application, and the pages they can access. SiteScope therefore allows for user roles to be created as needed, and selected at any time during the program�s use.
The advantage of using SiteScope is in its Simplicity and detail. SiteScope records all links, page parameters and other useful data, and maintains the notion of user roles throughout the tool.
The major features in version 1.0 of SiteScope are:
Provides an easy method to navigate web applications, using the Internet Explorer control
Real time creation of site map
Site map includes page type, parameters, http(s) protocol, and their links
Save/print/change layout/zoom functions for site maps
User role creation/modification
Metrics page including: number of users, parameters, pages, pages not visited, and cookies
Ability to easily contact Foundstone if you would like information regarding an assessment